Once a cell phone or mobile device comes in contact with water it becomes annihilated. Whether or not the device was completely submerged, everyone knows that electronics and moisture do not mix. While there are countless tutorials on how you can dry your phone out to save it, a far better solution would be to waterproof the device. Here are four ways this can be achieved.
DIY Method
For mobile device owners that do not have a large amount of money to spend on cases and for those who simply do not like to use cases, there is always the do-it-yourself method of waterproofing. This can be done by using a zip lock storage or sandwich bag. Place your phone inside of the bag. Next, use a small straw to suck all of the air out of the bag before sealing it closed. Once the phone is properly sealed inside of the bag, the device can actually survive a brief encounter with water. Of course, this method should not be used for constant or long-term contact with water.
Waterproof Cases
While there are tons of decorative cell phone cases for you to choose from, most waterproof cases are not very attractive or appealing. These cases are also much more expensive than regular mobile phone cases. While some water repellent cases can protect mobile devices up to a few feet of complete submersion, they are not able to keep these devices dry for an extended amount of time. Of course, when you take into consideration the cost of replacing your mobile phone over the cost of purchasing a waterproof cell phone case, it is easy to see why a case is a good investment for protection.
Sprays and Screen Protectors
Sprays and screen protectors can offer you some protection against small spills and chance encounters with moisture. Keep in mind that screen protectors and sprays are not adequate enough to protect every inch of your mobile devices from water damage. They do not provide any coverage for the ports on your device. Without sufficient coverage, water can seep into your mobile device and destroy the circuits and motherboard, which would render your device useless.
Hydrophobic Manufactured Mobile Devices
If you need a sturdier and more dependable waterproof solution to protect your mobile devices, then you should consider purchasing devices that are made with a hydrophobic coating. Unlike other water repellent compounds that only repel a small amount of moisture, nano coating is specially designed to protect devices against prolonged exposure to water and dirt. This coating can actually improve the durability and longevity of your mobile devices. Hydrophobic coating is widely used in a variety of government, industrial, and manufacturing products and projects.
The best way to protect your mobile device or cell phone from water damage is to avoid using it around moisture. While this is a noteworthy suggestion, it defeats the purpose of having a mobile device. Invest in a sensible waterproof solution that will allow you to continue using and enjoying your mobile device for many years to come, without any of the heartache, frustration, and expenses that come from dealing with water damage.