Category: Healthcare
TNT Method: Stem Cell Therapy Breakthrough
In the realm of regenerative medicine, scientists have long been delving into the immense potential of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, a derivative of somatic cells like skin cells. These versatile cells hold the promise of transformative therapeutic applications. However, a significant hurdle has persisted—the lingering traces of their previous cellular identity. This inherent limitation…
The Future of Medication Dispensing Services – Innovations and Advancements
As vital as prescription packs and vials are to the pharmacy business, technology has become equally important. Two technological advances have particularly benefited healthcare providers in recent years: those reducing time and encouraging creative problem-solving to benefit patients. Several technological advancements in the last few years have revolutionized the pharmaceutical industry. We’ve compiled a list…
The Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring
What are the benefits of remote patient monitoring? Here are a few: Empowering patients to be accountable for their health, reducing doctor’s office visits, and making healthcare more accessible. Moreover, telehealth solutions can be easily adapted to any healthcare environment, including hospitals or clinics. So, what are the advantages of remote patient monitoring? Keep reading…
4 Technologies That Are Changing Medicine
Medicine is an ever-evolving and ever-moving field, but when medicine, biology, and technology come together, doctors can help patients in ways that may never have been possible before. Here are four technologies that are changing the face of medicine and giving hope to millions of patients across the globe. RNA Targeted Therapeutics As with many…
Why There Will Always Be a Need for Data Analysts in the Healthcare Sector
With all the hype about big data changing the way the healthcare industry tracks and treats patients, it’s easy to assume that the need for human interpretation will diminish over time. After all, big data paves the way for artificial intelligence and machine learning to cut costs and predict behavior through a multitude of complicated…
Healthcare For Young People: 4 Health Risks Associated with Youth
Young people often feel invincible. Silly though that idea is, it’s easy to understand why if you think back to your youth for a moment. Indeed, it’s hard not to feel confident when you’re young, healthy, and have your entire life ahead of you. As a result, too many young people neglect healthcare considerations. Still,…
5 Important Types of Surgical Devices Used in the Operating Theater
Surgeons can be considered among our modern-day heroes. It takes years of schooling and specialized training to bring them from the clinic to the operating theater—sometimes to oversee situations of life and death. As well, for every surgical specialty, there is a wide and specific range of “power tools” to take them through the job.…
4 Ways to Reduce Healthcare Costs in the US
It is an urgent time to be thinking about how America can recover from its healthcare problems. As per the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, $2.6 trillion was spent on healthcare alone in 2013, and as much as$765 billion of thiswas allocatedto wasteful spending—i.e. on low value-care, excess administration, and healthcare fraud. In…
From Training to Practice – How Technology Is Impacting Nursing
From day to day, healthcare is advancing and with all the technology at our disposal, it is a wonder that we still have such a shortage of qualified medical personnel. Especially in short supply are nurses and doctors, both in general practice and in every specialty across the board. If you are a registered nurse…
Want a Healthcare Degree? Go Online
Healthcare is changing in the modern world. Technology is becoming an increasingly larger part of every aspect of medicine, from new careers using information technology (IT) to the way students learn. The number of online classes for many degrees in the medical field is growing, and some of the newer options are quite popular. Advantages…